Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hair Straightening


Wow, I just did another hair straightener on very curly hair . It turned out beautiful. She no longer feels like Foxy Brown. Bye bye Foxy. Thanks  for letting me work on your beautiful locks!

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Beauty tip#1

With the time change and temperature dropping, this is the time when our showers get hotter and longer to warm and wake us up. The hot water and dry air plays havoc on our skin and hair.This is the time of year to pull out the hair conditioner, face and body lotion. While you are showering, be sure to wash hair first, then put a dime to a quarter size conditioner in hair (depending on length of hair). Second, if your hair is longer you will want to take a detangler comb in the shower to comb the conditioner thru to the ends because our ends need it most. Then finish showering. Rinse conditioner out of hair last. This gives the conditioner time to work. Now for the hard part!!! Right before getting out of the shower, cool your water down. This helps seal our cuticle in our hair and skin giving us shinier hair and keeping our skin a little less dry. Soon out of the shower is the best time to moisturize our face. Once our pores air out, apply body lotion. With time this should help dry skin and static hair!!

We have all your hair care needs stop in and see our display.

Our Pharmagel eye treatment pads are wonderful for this dry weather. They moisturize our delicate eye area.When used on a regular basis they help reduce puffy, sagging and dark circles.

Christmas is right around the corner. We have gift baskets.

Our November specials for followers is Half price manicures. Schedule an appointment today!!!
If you haven't signed up now is the time.

November 11th is Veterans Day. Berwick Gallery would like to say Thank you, Thank you , Thank you for giving us our freedom we know today. This is for our Veterans who paved the way as well as all the men and women who serve our country today!!!

Holidays are right around the corner. It is very important that one doesn't get sick. The best way to do this is the old fashioned way ... good old soap and water. The soap doesn't have to be anti-bacterial. One does, however , have to scrub for about 15-20 seconds to kill those germs. The best way to determine 20 seconds is sing the tune to Old McDonald. Sing through one of your favorite animals and those germs should be gone!